The taller the tower.
Standing 45-storeys tall, Claridge ICON is one of Ottawa’s tallest towers! The residential building includes TEN levels of underground parking, ground floor retail, two floors of commercial space, not to mention 320 condominium units.
Smith + Andersen was engaged as mechanical, electrical, and specialty lighting design consultants creating a space that maximized design solutions on a small plot of land.

The taller the tower.
Standing 45-storeys tall, Claridge ICON is one of Ottawa’s tallest towers! The residential building includes TEN levels of underground parking, ground floor retail, two floors of commercial space, not to mention 320 condominium units.
Smith + Andersen was engaged as mechanical, electrical, and specialty lighting design consultants creating a space that maximized design solutions on a small plot of land.
The highest heights of efficiency.
Our mechanical team navigated the challenges of low floor-to-floor heights, high pressures due to the height of the building, and limited space on each floor. The team’s solutions used high efficiency domestic booster pumps that serve the whole building, energy recovery ventilators, and high efficiency air cooled chillers on the roof.
From the building’s limiting plot of land to our coordinating of services in a glass-enclosed building, our mechanical team was certainly not the only team that created solutions for the building’s obscurities. Our electrical team implemented systems that feature a diesel generator located at the very top of the tower. And both our electrical and specialty lighting teams worked together to create lighting designs like LED fixtures that light the many floors of the parking garage (and are controlled via local occupancy sensors) in addition to the specialty flood light design that crowns the building.
Our collaborative efforts led to the completion of this tall tower in 2021.