Over a 30-year career, Brian has been involved in many aspects of the energy efficiency industry. His experience includes a wide variety of energy conservation retrofits, as well as active promotion of energy efficiency in new and existing buildings. He has long been a proponent of using energy modelling tools to facilitate conversations and decisions regarding building energy performance.
Brian has provided energy simulation training on a number of platforms. In addition to improving the energy and emissions performance of new building designs, he is interested in optimizing the energy performance of existing buildings, and facilitating energy carbon strategies and master planning.
Over a 30-year career, Brian has been involved in many aspects of the energy efficiency industry. His experience includes a wide variety of energy conservation retrofits, as well as active promotion of energy efficiency in new and existing buildings. He has long been a proponent of using energy modelling tools to facilitate conversations and decisions regarding building energy performance.
Brian has provided energy simulation training on a number of platforms. In addition to improving the energy and emissions performance of new building designs, he is interested in optimizing the energy performance of existing buildings, and facilitating energy carbon strategies and master planning.