The BC Building Code changes that came into effect on May 1st last year illustrate how committed British Columbia is to the goal of all new developments becoming “Zero Energy Ready” by 2032. One of the major updates was the removal of the lowest available Step in the BC Energy Step Code. All new projects, including large Commercial and Residential buildings (as defined by the BC Building Code as Part 3 projects), are mandated to meet at least Step 2 of the Energy Step Code.
Biggest impact for smaller communities
Early Adoption Reduced Impact of Lower Energy Targets
Plan For Optional To Become Mandatory

From a sustainability perspective, it is great to see the inclusion of GHGI targets as part of energy compliance requirements! We expect to see this influencing mechanical design towards more extensive use of heat pump technologies, in particular as part of domestic hot water heating, as a natural gas-based system alone can have a GHGI of 5.0 to 7.8 kgCO2/m² depending on the use of low-flow fixtures. This trend has already been seen on projects in the City of Vancouver and under the BC Housing Construction standards, which have had GHGI requirements for several years.
Plan For The Future
Eric Rubli is a trusted sustainability expert and a Certified Passive House Designer in our Vancouver office. His diverse experience includes work in residential, healthcare, education, and civic market sectors.